Sunday, March 02, 2008

CVS Deals

My husband has mentioned having me teach a friend of his how I get great deals at CVS. I have to admit that mostly it is by the blogs that I read that I am able to get these great deals. (BTW I went shopping today and spent about $7 and was able to get buttons and rick rack for Abbie's dress, cleaning products from Ace (I have submitted for $5.50 in rebates from them), and over $60 of products at CVS. I actually didn't have any out of pocket expense at CVS because I had a coupon for free $25 gift card with a new prescription and I recently had a prescription filled (btw I still have over $4 on the card plus $13 in Extra Care Bucks).

The first place that I look for deals is iMommies she lists great deals at a variety of stores. Next I check out Be Thrifty Like Us for CVS deals, then Money Saving Mom. Money Saving Mom also has a great tutorial about getting started with CVS shopping. The drugstore forums are another great place to look for deals. Lastly I check out Thrifty Florida Mama for CVS and other deals.

I have mostly been doing CVS for deals but it looks like you can get similar good deals at Walgreens and Rite Aid if you don't have CVS. You will also need to have coupons printed off the internet and from the paper. I have a Sunday only subscription to the paper for only $1 a week, I am actually thinking of subscribing for a second paper for the extra coupons because it more than pays for itself. Here is a good link that lists where to get internet printable coupons. Lastly I am not brand specific, if there is a coupon I ask myself "if this item was free or nearly free would I buy it?" If the answer is yes or maybe I keep the coupon. When the item is super cheap buy as many as you can with the deal and coupons and stockpile for when prices aren't so good.

1 comment:

Leah Spencer said...

Yesterday had me grumpy at CVS - they didn't have the disposable razors. :P Top of it all, my total was $9.03 and I handed over an $8 ECB and was denied. :( Apparently my total without tax was $7.97! I never ran into this problem before. So I had to give her a $6 ECB and ended up paying $2.56 out of my pocket. That's the most I've paid for any one trip all year! ;) At least I got $15 back in ECBs.

But in reality, CVS is great! According to my receipt, I've bought $340 worth of stuff, but have only paid $12 out of pocket for my Winter 2008 spendings so far.