This afternoon my son was jealous of my daughter as I was holding ans nursing her. So like a toddler with limited coping skills he decided to hit her with one of his cars. Truly he didn't hit her any harder than he has in the past, but he must of gotten her just right to burst a blood vessel and gave her a lovely shiner. He was of course appropriately disciplined and made to apologize, but my husband and I felt terrible for our daughter. She was such a trooper though cried for a bit, but was fine after I finished nursing her. I have no doubt that someday she will return the favor and give our son payback for all the times he has been mean to her. It is so hard to make sure that you are giving equal attention to both kids. Since our daughter is breastfeeding and needs my attention so often it is easy to leave the care of our son to my husband, but that is not fair for anyone. Being a parent is harder than I ever imagined it would be.
In quilty news tomorrow I plan to bring a quilt to the hand quilters that work at the local historical society museum. This quilt was made by my great grandmother (I think, have to check on that) and passed down to my grandmother who gave it to me well over a year ago. I have been intending to bring it to them and have it quilted ever since. I have resolved to finally bring it in tomorrow (I even have the backing fabric in the dryer as I type). I was told that there was a 9 month to year long wait, but if I never bring it in it will never get done.
In other news my sister had a baby boy this morning. Both her kids are about six months younger than mine, so hopefully they can grow up close. I have attached a picture of the happy family.