A friend has asked me to pass this on.
I don't know this family and I have nothing to gain by you buying from this auction but I stumbled on it while searching for something on EBAY and could not keep it quiet.
On the evening of December 30, 2007, a tragedy hit the Griffin and Burkman families. This young family was headed home for the new year when a 24 year old drunk driver entered the highway off-ramp in the wrong direction. After driving almost five miles on the wrong side of the road, the drunk driver collided with the Griffin's van. The collision took five lives from a blended family of nine. The angels that received their wings that night were: Bethany Griffin - 36 (mother) and four of her and her husband Danny's beloved children: Haley Burkman - 10, Jordan Griffin - 10, Lacie Burkman - 7, Vadie Griffin - 8 weeks old. Not only will Danny (father and stepfather of these children) have to live the rest of his life without his wife and children but also in mourning are Jodie, mother of Jordan and Jack, father of Haley and Lacie. In addition to their parents, three children (Sydney, Brett, and Beau) survive their four sisters.
Click here to read more and just make a donation: http://members.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewUserPage&userid=beth*and*angels
Or you can click here to view this auction (she has a few others as well you might like)
http://cgi.ebay.com/Princess-Clippie-Instructions-6-ebooks-NEW-Beth-Angels_W0QQitemZ160198780008QQihZ006QQcategoryZ57740QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItemThe auction is for a full set of instructions to learn how to make the most adorable clippies I have ever seen.
Please pass this along.