Friday, July 06, 2007
Yes, I am a Harry Potter fan
I have added a little countdown clock to the sidebar of my blog. I have been reading the Harry Potter series since before it was a huge hit and I am anxiously awaiting and dreading the release of the last book. I am anxiously awaiting the release because the books are always great and I want to read the next chapter in this story. I am dreading the release because it will be the last one and it has been fun to read the books and think about what will happen next. I already have plans to go to the midnight showing of the next movie and to spend the morning that it is released in a coffee shop with a friend reading the book. Unfortunately I have to work a 12 hour shift the next day so I don't think that I'll get to finish it as quickly as I was able to finish the last one.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Happy 4th of July
For those of you that live in the USA I hope that you all had a safe and happy 4th of July. We spent the afternoon at a friends house and it was nice to be able to just hang out and talk. I do look forward to when Alex is older so that I can see the fireworks through his eyes as I am now a bit jaded and didn't even bother to go outside and see them this evening.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Do I look like a sucker to you????
We need sunscreens for our house. With the 100+ degree days the windows (over 30 in the house) really heat up the place, particularly the bedroom. I got estimates for sunscreens in November and had decided on a company that had the best prices and I felt comfortable with the saleslady. Well one thing and another happened and we were not able to get the sunscreens until now. A couple days ago I called up the company and said I was ready to have the screens put in. They said that the lady that did my estimate was not there any longer and they were going to have to send someone else out to do a new estimate. No problem, if they estimate was anywhere near what the last one was I would have paid for them on the spot so we could get them put in. Well to my surprise the new estimate was $2800 more. Is it because I am a woman? Because we have a nice house and therefore must be willing to blow wads of money? Or is it because it is the middle of the summer and we must be desperate for some heat relief? I brought the discrepancy up to the guy and he made some noises about looking up the other lady's estimate and talking to his boss and that he would get back to me. He eventually called and left a message that they were willing to honor the first estimate, but frankly I am not sure that I want to deal with a company that has business practices like this. I am so annoyed that I just had to share.
Monday, July 02, 2007
RaZ-Berry Teether

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