Boy have I been sick! About a month ago Abbie had pink eye and then a few weeks ago Alex had double ear infections and then Joe had strep throat but me, I get all three at the same time. Well technically I didn't have an ear infection, but it sure hurt like I did. I am still not up to snuff, I will be taking tomorrow off work again and then hopefully I will fee well enough to work on Monday.
Tuesday my new Horn sewing cabinet was delivered and I felt so bad that I didn't even get it out of the box until yesterday. I did take advantage of the fact that we had this huge box and Joe and I made Alex his first box fort and he had been having a blast playing with it.
Here is the next project that I am planning on making. It is a vintage 1940's pattern that I got off ebay and some pretty floral fabric that I am going to make a dress for Abbie's 1st birthday party. I think that it is going to be darling. I'll be sure to show pictures when I get it finished.
1 comment:
I'm sorry to hear you've been sick. I hope you're all better soon.
Box forts are fun. Alex seems to be enjoying it. Isn't it amazing that children can be occupied with something as simple as a big box? Kind of makes you think about not buying expensive toys, doesn't it?
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