Things have gotten so busy around here. I have started an internship at work that has added an 8 hour work day to my week. Plus, I need 100 more hours of education to qualify to take the test so that has been taking up time also. Luckily the internship is paid and after I take the test in July my work schedule should be much better. On top of that Little Girl is Teething. She has two teeth coming in on the bottom and is not a happy camper. Needless to say, I haven't been getting much sleep lately.
The weather here has gotten hot overnight. When I worked Sunday I needed a sweater to walk from the parking garage into work. This morning I put the same sweater on and when I got out of the car to go into work I was hot! When I got off work at 3:30 it was warm enough that I went home and put on a tank top and shorts. I have been looking forward to the warmer weather, but I am sure that in a month or so I won't be quite so happy about it.
Quilting wise I got the finishing touches put on my show quilts and dropped them off on Tuesday. I will go to the show on the 17th and take pictures of them hanging. I will also volunteer that day like I always do. I have 3 other quilts in the local historical museums quilt show also. That show runs through May 28th so I will get out there on a free Saturday to take some pictures. Now that the show prep is out of the way I have been working on the next clues for my guilds mystery quilt. When I get that done I think I will make up some shorts and t-shirts for my son for the summer. It is so fun to see him wearing something that I made for him.
Here are a couple cute recent pictures. One is of my son sleeping with his car in his hand, too cute. His favorite "car" right now is the tractor from the movie "Cars". He went nuts when I got that one for him, talked about it and played with it nonstop for two days. I was glad that he liked it so much because it was hard to find (actually a friend found it for me). The other picture is of my son and one of his friends playing on the wall next to a fountain at a local mall. The weather was great that day, cool enough to wear pants but warm enough to wear a short sleeved shirt.
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