I have been geting some sewing done durring my son's nap time and in the evening after he goes to bed. Little girl has been cooperating with me and often will nap for an hour or so at a time so I can get some things done. The first thing that I finished is a trick or treat bag for my son based on the designs from the Art to Heart Acorn Hollow book. The second finish is a Christmas stocking for little girl to match the ones that I made for the rest of the family the year that my son was born. Her stocking is not exactly like the others since I have run out of some of the fabrics, but it is similar enough that she should not feel left out. Now I have started on the block of the month from Quilter's Delight.
The other picture is of my son with a train that he got for his birthday. This one has a button that you push and it makes train sounds. The funny thing is that he can imitate the train whistle sound perfectly.
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