I just checked my blog and I notice that it has been a month since I have posted with any real regularity. A lot of personal things have been going on this past month and luckily they are mostly working themselves out. I haven't been doing much sewing, or housework, or knitting, etc this last month, but hopefully as things settle down I hope that will change. I have started to teach myself to knit in the round. It is really easy, perhaps easier than knitting on straight needles, because to do stockinette stitch you just knit, no purling.
Here are some pictures of what we have been up to in the last month. The first are pictures of the quilts that I entered into the Arizona Quilter's guild show. One is the Oklahoma Backroads quilt that I have shown here before and the other is the stars over time challenge quilt that I have talked about before. I did not win any ribbons but I feel that I have accomplished something just to be brave enough to enter. The second set of pictures are from Easter Sunday which was spent with my family at my parents house.
Love the backroad's quilt! I can relate to the feeling of accomplishment from just *entering* a quilt in a show! Did my first quilt show last February. :)
Good words.
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